The Cobol Ninja Course
Installing the AS400 Emulation software

This action can only be performed on your desktop computer

The following instructions will guide you in installing the AS400 emulator software that will enable you to work on the AS/400 computer during the course.

Please follow the instructions carefully.

If at any point you are not sure if things are progressing as expected, contact us and we’ll take care of the rest.

AS400 Emulation


Please click on the Download button on the right


After doing so, you will be prompted to authorize the download of the file
installing the emulator - the download


When the download is complete, click on the file download image that appears at the bottom of your screen, right above the toolbar.

installing the emulator - find the download


This will open a window which displays the contents of the file:

(1) A folder named TN5250J
(2) A shortcut file named TN5250.lnk

The shortcut file might not appear with the lnk suffix on your computer.
installing the emulator - the zip file, AS400 Emulation


Drag the folder and shortcut from the zip content window to your Desktop.

Do not place it in any other folder.


On your desktop, press on the F5 refresh button, and make sure you see both the TN5250J folder and the TN5250 shortcut file on your desktop.

It is very important to make sure that the shortcut file icon displays the official Java logo as seen here to the right.

It it does, then proceed to Step 10 below.
installing the emulator - the desktop icons


If you are unable to find the folder and shortcut on your desktop – please contact us.

If the shortcut icon does not display the official Java logo, please click on the following link: Install Java


A new browser tab will open.
Click on the Download Java button at the bottom of the tab, and complete the Java installation.


After completing the Java installation, press on the F5 key on your desktop.
The official Java logo should appear as the shortcut icon.
If it does not, please contact us.


If the TN5250J shortcut icon appears as seen in the image to the left, then double-click on it.

installing the emulator - the java logo


The splash screen as seen on the right should appear for a few seconds.
installing the emulator - splash screen


When the splash screen fades away, you should now see the AS/400 Login screen as shown in the image to the left.

If it does – Congradulations! You have successfully installed the AS/400 emulator.

That’s all for now – we will continue in class.
installing the emulator - the as400 signon


If you see an empty screen like in the image to the right, right click anywhere on the empty screen and continue to the next step.

Otherwise, please contact us.
installing the emulator - the as400 not connected


The right-click will open a context menu as shown to the right.

Move your mouse pointer to the Connections option towards the bottom of the menu, and click.
installing the emulator - rightclick menu


A new tabbed window will appear.

Click on the first tab – Connections.

This tab displays a connections table. It may be empty. If not, click once on the row that appears in the table, and press the Remove button below.

When the table is empty, click on the Add button below.
installing the emulator - list


After clicking on the Add button, another tabbed window will open.
installing the emulator - general tab


In the General tab, type in the name of the computer we will be connecting to: texas400
installing the emulator - the server name


In the TCP/IP tab, type in the Host IP/DNS field.

Also, make sure that the value 23 appears in the Port field.

Then click on the Add button towards the bottom of the tab.
installing the emulator - the DNS


You should now return to the Connections tab.

You should see a row with the new connection you just added.

Click on the Apply button, and then on the Connect button.
installing the emulator - list


You should now see the AS/400 Login screen as shown in the image to the left.

If it appears – Congradulations! You have successfully installed the AS/400 emulator.

If the AS/400 Login screen does not appear – please contact us.
installing the emulator - the as400 signon